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Drug Delivery in vitro
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Drug Delivery in vitro

Transdermal Drug Delivery / Buccal Tissue Permeation
Respiratory Drug Delivery / Vaginal Drug Delivery



EpiDerm is a 3D human tissue model produced from normal, human keratinocytes. The tissue model is cultured to form a highly differentiated, mitotically and metabolically active skin tissue which mimics in vivo tissue in terms of structure, morphology and barrier function. Learn more about Transdermal Drug Delivery  here.
EpiOral tissues consist of normal, human-derived buccal epithelial cells that have been cultured to form multilayered, highly differentiated models of the human buccal phenotype. Morphologically, the tissue models closely parallel native human tissues, thus providing a useful in vitro means to assess irritancy, disease and oral tissue permeation. Learn more about Buccal Tissue Permeation here.
 EpiAirway consists of normal, human-derived tracheal/bronchial epithelial cells which have been cultured to form a pseudo-stratified, highly differentiated lung model which closely resembles the epithelial tissue of the respiratory tract. The tissue inserts allow for gas phase exposure of volatile materials for airway inflammation, irritancy studies and transepithelial permeability for inhaled drug delivery studies. Learn more about Respiratory Drug Delivery here.
EpiVaginal tissues are cultured from normal, human-derived vaginal ecto-cervical epithelial cells. EpiVaginal tissues are routinely utilized for product safety assessment, STD infection, and trans-vaginal drug delivery. Learn more about Vaginal Drug Delivery here.
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Transmission Electron Micrograph of brush borders

Advancing your 2D research into the the 3D world
Drug Discovery, Development, Delivery
& Toxicology Tools
Standardized Human 3D in vitro Tissue Models
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AAPS ( American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists ) Annual Meeting in San Antonio