Normal Human 3D
(NHu-3D) Airway Tissue
Normal Human 3D Model of Respiratory Tract Tissue
Long Lifespan. Ideal for Chronic Exposure Studies
Ciliated, Pseudo-stratified Structure
Mucin-producing Goblet Cells
Individual, 24 and 96-well High Throughout Formats
Organotypic Tool for Drug Development/Delivery
Ideal for Studying Respiratory Infection
Also available: Asthmatic, Smoker, COPD, and
Goblet Cell Hyperplasia models
Generate relevant human data and assess true tissue response. Quickly and
efficiently analyze drug permeation, gene/protein expression, tissue
viability/integrity, cilia beat rate and mucus production.
Drug Discovery, Development, Delivery
& Toxicology Tools
Standardized 3D in vitro Tissue